Hi there!
My name is Martin Recke, and I am an author, editor, writer, blogger, journalist, political scientist and theologian.
You can book me now for your writing needs, from blogs to books. Writing is the easy part. The hard part is figuring out what to write. This part – the research and everything else – creates distractions. Behind it are thought processes and coordination mechanisms. The complexity of organisations plays a big part in this, as do the expectations and needs of the audience being addressed.
But that’s exactly what I’m here to help with. I can work at the interface between internal corporate complexity and external audience expectations. With attention to detail and an eye for the big picture. I like to connect the dots. I can be quick and persistent.
My career began as a journalist and later took a few detours via corporate communications. I studied political science (diploma) and philosophy at the FU Berlin and theology (basic course) at the Domschule Würzburg.
You can read many of my current works at nextconf.eu/insights and subscribe at Substack. I edited the Next Factory Ottensen book series for SinnerSchrader Accenture Song, co-authored Next Level CMO (2022) and wrote Parallelwelten (2019). In 2006, I co-founded the NEXT Conference.
If you need something like this, don’t hesitate to contact me. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a book.
Oh, und ich schreibe auch gern in meiner Muttersprache. 😉

Shifting Perspectives
Read my current writings and subscribe at Substack.

Learn more about the Next Factory Ottensen book series.

Get in Touch
Love my work? Drop me a line or book a call.